
An equity task is an activity that makes mathematical instruction more equitable by improving:

  • Rigor (“I do rigorous math”): Students use clear and precise mathematical language while engaging in challenging mathematical content that extends their understanding.
  • Diversity (“I do math in different ways”): Students analyze different approaches and cultural contributions to mathematics.
  • Identity (“I believe I can do math”): Students believe they can excel in mathematics by supporting each other while refining mathematical ideas and explaining how mathematics relates to their lives.
  • Justice (“I do math to improve my community”): Students use mathematics to recommend actions that make their communities fairer.

We developed a rubric for measuring each of the four components of an equity task.

We describe how we developed the idea of equity tasks in a 2023 Edutopia article called “Incorporating Equity Tasks into Everyday Math Instruction.”

This site is maintained by Bobson Wong and Larisa Bukalov.

See our complete list of equity tasks.